Sunday, November 24, 2013

She Works Hard For the Money

Well, just a kind of hard. I'm blessed to only have to work 2 days a week so that I can maintain all of my other social/volunteer activities. My only 'sacrifice' was stepping down as leader of AWA Explorers' Hiking group because the hiking day conflicted with one of my working days. I knew something was going to have to give :)

As most of you know, working in the UK has been a long time coming. After about 8 months, I was finally approved to work in the UK last September. After halfheartedly looking for a job at the end of last year and not coming up with anything, I kind of put it on the back burner. I had found a life outside of work and I wasn't, at the time, missing it. I mean only a few of my friends here in Aberdeen work outside the home and I jumped two feet in to the AWA and it was/is doing a fine job of filling my free time. And then the beginning of the year rolled around and I was traveling, then Ryan broke his leg which was not the time for me to have a job since my title of housewife quickly turned to caregiver/personal/at home physiotherapist. Then Ryan's leg got better and our summer full of visitors began. I was/am thankful I was able to devote 100% of my time to showing my in laws, friends and parents around this beautiful country. So what I'm trying to say, is that it really hasn't been the right time for me to return to work til now. I know it's cliche but I do believe 'timing is everything'.

I started the job search again right before I went on my trip with Kasey. I had heard great things about a Sports Med Physio Clinic located in Aberdeen Sports Village by word of mouth and by doing my own research so I thought 'what the heck', let me just drop off my resume/CV. Well the day I dropped my resume off one of the owners was there and she mentioned they were in need of a part time therapist and she would put me in touch with the other owner over the Sports Med/Musculoskeletal side of things. I met her for coffee upon my return from London/Paris and I knew after talking with her that this opportunity was exactly what I was looking for. I shadowed a few therapists just to get my brain working again, it had been almost 2 years since I'd seen a patient in the clinic (where does the time go??), and a couple of weeks later was seeing my own patients. I've been seeing patients now for over a month and I'm loving it. Everyone I work with has been great and all the patients are so nice. The clinic is a perfect learning environment for any therapist but especially for one that's been out of the game for a while. I'm looking forward to growing as a therapist and working with such a great team. Being in the UK, the opportunity for continuing education is much great than that in Singapore. I'm very thankful for this opportunity and most likely it means this blog will suffer. As soon as I learn that whole time management thing again I hope to post more regularly as I'm still doing lots of fun things! Hopefully a post on my Poland trip will come sooner than later!


  1. What a nice surprise on this cold, icy wintry day in Texas. So glad that you are enjoying your new job but don't let it keep you from blogging again soon. I want to hear about Poland and pottery shopping. So glad you survived driving the tank!!

  2. Aw yay! You are going to quickly become the best therapist in that place! You'll have a long list of people requesting you before you know it!
